NamespaceJune 8, 2007Getting It Together Interface, Personal Information Manager is assigned to "The Interface" address "ROOT.GITI". This assignment was made in order to provide a parrellel namespace in the event any otehr projects were to ever use the GITI "Interface" Command structure. Every module is to be registered to ROOT.GITI.MODULE_NAME, whether the item is to be menu-present or not. All of a module's functions must be registered below the module's address, ROOT.GITI.MODULE_NAME.FUNCTION. On occasion there will be functions that are relavent to GITI as a whole and likely shared by multiple modules, these functions can be registered under to one module, or they may be registered to "command" branch, ROOT.COMMAND. "ROOT.COMMAND" is the registered namespace for global functions and commands. All functions must be called using COMMAND.PHP or CMD.PHP (without Interface). There is no requirement that all functions be called by COMMAND, but no direct file accesses will be allowed. The module may use a single command for the entire module, or use grouped functions or assign all functions to their own address. No other methods are supported. |